"We follow EYFS - Early Years Foundation Stage based Areas of Learning curriculum." - Lead Teacher
Area of Learning |
Learning Intentions |
In this way |
Personal, Social and Emotional Development |
To work and play together. To develop an awareness of others’ feelings. To develop self – confidence. |
Supporting children to take turns and to join in with routines. Using daily experiences, stories and props to explore feelings. (Continued from last term). Providing opportunities for children to celebrate their strengths. |
Communication and Language |
To listen with attention. To use language to express ideas and thoughts |
Sharing stories with repeated refrains – encouraging children to join in. Using story sacks. Following instructions – cooking and gardening. Supporting children to share their ideas in role play. Developing stories in small world play. |
Physical Development |
To develop control in small and large movements. To explore ways to keep healthy and safe. |
Providing a variety of tools for mark-making and messy play. Playing games with beanbags, cones, balls and hoops. Exploring healthy food. Providing opportunities for exercise and discussing how our bodies feel afterwards. |
Literacy |
To enjoy a variety of books. To be able to give a meaning to mark – making. |
Providing and sharing a range of fiction and non-fiction books in both the indoor and outdoor environments. Provide opportunities for children to mark – make during their freely – chosen activities. (Continued from last term) |
Mathematics |
To count for a purpose. To explore shapes and measures. |
Incorporating counting into daily activities such as setting up for snack. Supporting children to use counting in their play. Providing a variety of construction materials. Going for shape walks. Incorporating measuring into children’s play. Explore ‘full’ and ‘empty’/’heavy’ and ‘light ’in the water tray and sandpit. |
Understanding the World |
To develop an interest in the natural world. To be able to talk about significant people and events. |
Planting and tending flowers and vegetables. Exploring in the woods. Going on bug hunts. Providing opportunities for children to share news. |
Expressive Arts and Design |
To explore a range of tools and techniques. To continue to develop ideas in role play. |
Providing a variety of construction materials, messy play and mark – making equipment. Providing opportunities to support and extend children’s interests in role play. |
Areas of Learning
Our play activities and the experiences we provide for the children follow the standards set out in the Early Years Foundation Stage:
A unique child - 'every child is a competent learner from birth who can be resilient, capable, confident and self assured'. Every child is unique developing in individual ways at different rates. At Streatley Hill, we plan for the individual, taking into account their interests and stage of development. All children are equal and are treated fairly; diversity is valued and respected. Children are supported and kept safe while having the opportunity to make their own choices. Positive relationships - 'children learn to be strong and independent from a base of loving and secure relationships with parents and other key people'. |
Parents are children’s first and most enduring educators. Working with parents has a positive result on children’s development; we actively encourage our parents to discuss their child and even come in and join us! Each child has a member of staff who is their “Key Person”, the adult who plans for them, records their progress, builds a relationship with them and knows them best.
Enabling environments - 'the environment plays a key role in supporting and extending children’s development and learning'. We observe our children so that experiences and routines flow with the children’s needs. We endeavour to provide a rich and varied environment, inside and out, safe and secure yet challenging and interesting. We work in partnership with other professionals such as Health Visitors and Speech Therapists to ensure the best outcomes for all our children and also with the local primary school to ensure a smooth transition. |
Learning and development – 'children develop and learn in different ways and at different rates and all areas of Learning and Development are equally important and interconnected'. Play is central. It is during their play that children learn at the highest level. Active learning involves other people, objects, ideas and events that engage them for sustained periods. |
The three prime areas of learning are:
1 Personal, Social and Emotional Development - we promote turn taking, sharing and co-operation with other children and adults through group play activities. With individual support, children learn over time acceptable ways to express themselves and to have respect for the feelings of others around them.
2 Physical Development - our well-equipped garden has a range of ride-on toys, scooters, climbing frames, balls, hoops, etc. and we endeavour to spend time outside every day developing children’s confidence and enjoyment in the use of their own physical skills such as climbing, skipping, balancing. Fine motor skills are developed through the use of pencils, pens, beads, sewing etc.
The four specific areas are:
1 Literacy - Stories are usually read or told to the children at the end of morning and afternoon sessions. We have a well stocked book corner which the children are encouraged to use, including topic books so we can look things up. We use the National strategy "Letters and Sounds" to do a range of phonics activities. We help them understand that written symbols and letters carry meaning and have different purposes which they can experiment with themselves when they are ready
2 Mathematics - sorting, matching, ordering, sequencing and counting activities form the basis of early mathematics. As their skills develop, the children learn to identify objects by shape, position, size, number and volume. Simple processes such as adding are gently introduced through songs, games and stories. |
3 Understanding the World - we encourage children to learn more about the world around them in the areas of science, technology, history and geography. We find out about why things happen and how they work, features of living things and objects, past and present events, the environment, cultures and beliefs. Everyday technology, the children’s senses and other manufactured and natural resources are used to support learning.
4 Expressive Arts and Design - a full range of art and craft resources are available to the children, encouraging them to explore colour, texture, shapes and express their own ideas. The extensive dressing up box is very popular and used in conjunction with the home corner/role play area (changed frequently according to current topic), it provides endless opportunities for imaginative role play. We sing most days; we explore instruments and sounds and frequently move to music.
Onward education!
Many of our students move on to Streatley Primary School when they are ready to start in reception. Being in the same grounds and having familiarity with the school makes for smooth and successful transitions. We spend a good deal of time preparing our students for their next steps and we are proud of our relationship with Streatley Primary and other local primary schools. Please click Streatley C of E Primary School for further information.
Many of our students move on to Streatley Primary School when they are ready to start in reception. Being in the same grounds and having familiarity with the school makes for smooth and successful transitions. We spend a good deal of time preparing our students for their next steps and we are proud of our relationship with Streatley Primary and other local primary schools. Please click Streatley C of E Primary School for further information.